inout — queue management system, all rights reserved, 2014 - 2017


norvik bank


Norvik Banka (established on 29 April 1992) is one of the oldest commercial banks in Latvia. The bank has the widest network of branches and finance and accounting groups in the country which is available to citizens of 16 Latvian cities. By the asset amount Norvik Banka is the 8th largest bank of Latvia.

Norvik Banka is a part of Norvik Group which also covers Vyatka Bank in Russia and Norvik Banka UK Limited in Great Britain.



Bite Latvia was founded in October 2005. The company has broken the stereotype and has shown that phone bills can be easy to understand, prices can be low, and the carrier can be friendly.

Bite utilizes InOut queue management system to organize service center customer flows. Easy to use queue system works nicely with the customer-oriented concept of the company.



Citadele (established on 30 June 2010) is one of the most advanced commercial banks in Latvia in terms of IT. Their tech and design solutions are often unparalleled, and we are happy to be a part of this infrastructure.